Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Toilet Paper Roll Abstract Sculpture

Extra TP rolls gotcha feelin' creative?  Perfect! I have the project for you.  This is an ABSTRACT sculpture, so the idea is not necessarily to make it look like something else, but to focus on color and form (form is basically the 3D version of shape).  Here's my final product...I think I may add some patterns to the little rings to give it more interest.

You'll need a couple of toilet paper tubes, a piece of cardboard, and something to paint or color with, as well as glue or tape.

Start by cutting up the tubes, about an inch thick, or so...

Prepare your paints or tools to color.  You could choose to limit your colors to all cools, warms, primaries, neons, etc.  I went with the whole rainbow of colors.

You'll be coloring/painting the cardboard base, as well as the rings.  (My toddler assistant is seen helping me here).  If you would like, I would encourage you to create some sort of pattern for the base, such as stripes, checkerboard, or your favorite shape design.

If you painted, you'll need to wait a while to assemble these, but once they are dry, focus on trying out different positions for your pieces.  You can experiment with how tall you can make your towers on your board.  You also may want to add other scraps of cardboard to your sculpture, pipe cleaners or yarn, or other found objects.

I hope you had some fun here today, doing something a little unconventional and different.  Be sure to send your pictures so I can see what you've been up to.  I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

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