Thursday, April 30, 2020

Recycled Castles

Hello third graders and resourceful artists everywhere.  Your next art project will be recycled castles.

As always, I encourage you to create using your own style, and other materials available to you.  No need to copy each part you see here, though I do hope it helps inspire some ideas for you.

First, choose your paper.  I used black, but any color would be fine.  I also set aside some TP rolls to create the towers and make them stick out.

Tin foil is what I chose to cover these with, because they reminded me of the gray of the castle.  You could also opt for painting it, or using cardboard, or even some sort of print.  If you have any magazines with architecture in them, you could cut some paper out with a brick or stone pattern.

For towers, cut up each side of the tube to cut it in half.  If you want a taller castle, turn your paper and us paper towel tubes.

I planned a little ahead before I glued anything down.  I wanted to be sure I had space for some grass or any other interesting details I would add later.

Here are some diagrams of parts of a real castle.  Think about materials you have that could be used for other parts?  Do you have any toothpicks you could use for a fence or a gate? Any tissue paper for a mote? 

Next thing I did was cover my towers with the foil....

No glue was needed for that part.  I then cut some extra for the middle part of my castle.

Cardboard worked for my door. Again, you could find a door in a magazine...or you could use something like popsicle sticks. 

Before gluing anything down, I cut some slits at the top of my towers.  I cut them about a pinky's width apart.  Every other tab got bent inward, like so, to create the castle battlements .

I cut out some windows...

Added in some flags.... and I used our Easter grass as my "grass".

Whether your castle is a traditional type like mine, a magical unicorn palace, or something completely out of your imagination, I can't wait to see what you come up with!  Have fun!

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