Friday, November 11, 2016

Primary Color Hot Air Balloon Weavings

"Oh there are three primary colors!  Only three are primary, it's true!" I LOVE THIS LESSON!  It is a cute product, packed with lots of fun and many concepts for the little first graders who made these.  This was a lesson that took us three 45 minute class periods.

On the first day, we started with this excellent book (don't leave home without it):

Following the book, students were given red, blue, and yellow liquid watercolor paints, a dropper, and a piece of color diffusing paper.

I glued down some little disposable ramekins with lids, onto some extra paint pallets I had, to help prevent spills and drying out of paints.

  The color diffusing paper I had was quite large: 12" diameter circles.  If you are unfamiliar with this paper, it just behaves a bit like fabric, and you can stack them to let the paint soak through, if you want multiple paintings in one shot.  It dries fairly quickly, and it is easy for kids to cut.  Here's a quickie video to show you another example of how they could be used.

Before the kids came in, I trimmed up the paper a bit to make a more "balloon-like" shape.  My picture doesn't show it, but I also punched two holes in the bottom of the balloon, to later hang our "basket" weavings.

Kids got to painting, and were encouraged to try mixing colors.  I found that if you drip straight water onto the paint, it will also add to the cool tie dye effect.

This paper is also great, because you can see the color from both sides, for when we hang them up!

DAY 2 & 3 were all about weaving.
I started by showing the kids how to weave on a larger scale loom (thank you, once again, Cassie Stevens).  The loom I made is exactly like this, but I left mine at my other classroom, and don't have it to show you at the moment...
Image result for cassie stephens huge loom

The making of the loom itself, and the discussion of weaving took most of the second class, and then students got to begin.  To prep for these looms, I cut my brown paper into 9x9" squares, and my red, yellow, and blue into 1x 9" strips.

I also cut red string to later tie them to our balloons.  When finished, we used glue sticks to stick our strips down.  I have the kids wait till the end for the gluing, in case of a mistake.  I also left it up to them whether or not they made a pattern with the colors.  I felt they had enough to think about with the weaving itself.

They sure look cute all put together!  Can't wait to hang them up :)

Thanks for stopping by!  :)

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