Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Junk Art Robots

I don't know about you, but I've got enough junk in my house to make ten robots, so here goes.... Here's my cute lil robot all finished....

And here's some of the "junk" I used to create it...

I used an old magazine for the arms and hands...I looked for pictures of gears and other metal things that reminded me of robots.

I used tin foil for the head and body....

And I made the eyes out of cut toilet paper tubes...

You could certainly use other things for your robot, like buttons, paper clips, the caps from milk jugs, and so much more!  If you're interested in junk robots, here are some more artists who make their livings creating robots out of their trash.  I hope you enjoyed this little lesson in recycling and creative thinking.  Happy art making!

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