Monday, May 4, 2020

Nature Collages

As springtime nears closer to summer, the weather is getting sweeter and sweeter, so how about we use some of that beauty to create art this week?  We will be going  on a nature scavenger hunt today!  I encourage you to try to find a variety of different things out there, and then decide what to make AFTER the scavenger hunt.  I went out with no particular thing in mind, and once I sat down to look at my findings, tons of ideas started popping up for me.  Here are some of my "nature collages":

As you can see from my examples, you'll be drawing and using your nature-based items to add to those drawings.  

Here are some of my items I gathered.  I mostly went the plant route, but you could use rocks, pinecones, flowers, seashells, sand, dirt, whatever you think might make an interesting picture for you.

Once I got my things inside, I started looking at each item, one by one. I turned them different directions to see if anything came to mind.  

I trimmed some of them to fit my ideas...

I repositioned things until they made sense in my pictures...

Keep in mind, you don't have to glue these things down, though you could if you wish.  You could also just snap a picture and keep that photograph as your finished art project.

I cannot wait to see what you come up with!  These will be so fun to make, and there is no wrong answer.  Enjoy that beautiful May weather!  

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