Student Art Shows

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Toilet Paper Roll Ocean Critters

Hi there students and families!  If there is one thing that this shutdown is teaching me it is to make use of everything I have at my house, so that is where this little arts and crafts activity comes into play.  I hope you got my memo to save your tp tubes, because today we will be making sculptures out of them!

Today we'll go through how to make a fish/shark and an octopus.  Feel free to make both, if you've got the materials!

Step one for either one is to paint or color your tube.

If you're making the shark, cut a triangle out of one end....

then match that triangle to the other side on the same end of the tube.  Don't get rid of those triangles, as they will later become fins for your shark/fish.

Next, color the back sides of those triangles to match your shark/fish.
Bend one of them at the bottom, and attach it to the top of your tube (shark's back).
Cut a little "V" out of the other triangle and attach it to the open, uncut end of the tube (tail fin).

Add a face...and teeth if you want :)

Now let's go back to that cute little octopus....  After you've painted or colored your tube, make a face for your octopus and glue the eyes near the top of your tube.

Cut 8 even slits at the bottom (I started with 2 slits on the opposite sides, and then divided from there).  Take a pencil and curl the "tentacles" up from the base of the tube.

Add your suction cup circles to the bottom sides of the tentacles....

Admire your little cutie :)

If you've got some string you could even hang these up like they are swimming!  Thanks for checking in everyone!  Keep saving your household goodies for more art lessons coming up soon, and don't forget to send me your pictures! Happy art making :)

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