Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Color Wheel Pizzas

Woot woot!  Pizza + Art = 2 of my favorite things!  As you know, we have been working from home the past week, and let me tell ya, it's a strange change from what I'm used to.  Buuuuuuut, even though we are not at school and there is no art room full of supplies to use, we can still use our creative brains to make spectacular art. Here's what you'll need for this art lesson:

1. A pizza round (cardboard.....if you don't have the round cardboard from a pizza, either go eat a pizza 😄 OR cut a big circle from a cereal box).
2. Crayons, markers, paint, or all three.
3. Glue.
4. Energy...because we are going on a color scavenger hunt.

Second graders spend a lot of their art time learning about basic COLOR THEORY.  When we talk about color theory, we are learning how colors work they look, how to make other colors, how to make colors lighter or darker, and so much more.  These are important things for an artist to know, and it can be fun to learn about them, too!

The main tool an artist uses to learn about color theory is called a "Color wheel".  It shows the order in which colors belong, and it can be used to teach us all about different color families.

If you're in my class, you might recognize this color wall with our little color family portraits:

For this project you will be creating what I like to call a "Color Wheel Pizza"!  Here are the steps of this fun lesson...First you need a round piece of cardboard.  I saved a circle board from the last pizza we ate (art teachers like to collect "junk", didn't you know?).

Divide it in half, using a ruler or something with a straight edge.

Divide each half into three slices, so that you have six at the end.

Next, you should paint or color each "slice" a different color of the rainbow...but remember your color order "Roy G Bv"  .... Red orange yellow green blue purple.  The order of the colors DOES MATTER!  The whole point of our color wheel is to help us remember the correct order of the colors.

After you are done painting or coloring, you will be going on a scavenger hunt.  You could use old bottle caps, buttons, string, broken crayons, a lego or two, stickers..... any little thing you like (as long as your parents are ok with it).  

If you are worried you don't have much to add to your color pizza, you could choose to make your own toppings and cut them out.  I did a little of both.

I'm also lucky my daughter has lots of stickers to choose from.... voila.... Color wheel pizza!!! 

I hope you had fun on this little art treasure hunt!  Keep making art, and learning every day!

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