Student Art Shows

Monday, October 24, 2016

Warm Sun Sculptures for First Grade Artists

So, as you can guess, first grade sculptors learned all about 3D art and WARM COLORS for this lesson.  For the first day, we compared drawings and paintings to sculptures, in order to get the littles to recognize the differences between the 2 art forms.

I had pre-mixed some claycrete with water, and cut the cardboard in 8x8" squares to use as the base.  In the past, I've used pizza boards as bases, as well, and my school cafeteria quickly and easily collected them for me :)

Students attached claycrete pieces and smoothed them out the first day.  Following that, those who had free time drew pictures of "something hot", and were given only the warm colors to fill in their drawings, to prep us for next week's painting focus on warm colors.

On day 2 of this lesson, students reviewed our warm colors.  We made a list of all things oven coils, fire, lava, sun, and noted that they are all the made up guessed it...warm colors.  Students love mixing up  these warm colors and were encouraged to create UNIQUE paintings on their suns.


That's all she wrote :)  Have a happy (and hopefully WARM) Fall Monday!!

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