Student Art Shows

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween, art folks!  Isn't it a beautiful thing when you have a lesson that is SEASONAL, and has an ART HISTORY tie-in, and uses MULTIPLE SKILLS, and even a literacy element, as well?  This is one of those lessons, which is why I like it so much.

To begin,the students start with drawing their pumpkins, and outlining/shading with a bit of black oil pastel, to make them really POP.  I always be sure and provide lots of drawing resources, so the kids can see how many different kinds of pumpkins and gourds there are out there.

Once the kids have completed their drawings (I tell them to fit at least 4 different pumpkins/gourds on their orange construction paper), it is time to splatter.  If there is enough time, we watch a little diddy on Jackson Pollock .  While students watch the quick video embedded in my Prezi, the kids get to discuss what they think they see in the "action paintings".  We take some time to talk about safe and friendly splattering, and I have the students use WATER AND TEMPERA CAKES.  They splat with minimal mess, and they show up nicely on the orange paper.

I've found it works best if the kids hold with one hand (close to the paper, with bristles downward) and flick with their "writing hand".  The use and upward motion with just one flick of the finger, and the paint doesn't fling out all over the place.

Day 2 is all about assemblage and background.  The kids use oil pastels to create their background.  I use purple or black paper for this part, but that is up to you!   

After the background is done, it is time to add the pumpkins and any other details you like!

If there is extra time, I also like to read this adorable and fun book!!  In certain classes, this lesson has taken 3 class periods (1 full class for drawing and coloring the background), and in others, it has taken 2.  You be the judge of your kiddos :)

Have a spooky day :)

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