Student Art Shows

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Showing facial expressions through caricatures...... This is AWESOME, if I do say so myself.

Ok, I am super-stoked about these caricature drawings by fifth graders.  We haven't actually started them yet, but here is our plan:
First, we will be taking a look at some caricatures of real famous folks, such as these:


Taylor Swift

 Nick Jonas

Next, we set to drawing.  I've got loads of cool handouts for the kids to check out, on how to draw cartoon facial features.
We will also be tying this in to a science lesson on velocity, as this is a prime activity for MOVEMENT and the facial expressions we show when we move.
But here's the real kicker:  When kids have finished, they can set their caricature in motion, using the app "Chatter Pix Kids" to animate the mouths of their artwork.  I downloaded it for FREE on my IPad, and it. is. amazing....check mine out below:

I seriously had so much fun with this, I might do it to every portrait I make from here til the end of time.  Stay tuned for student work - I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

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