Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Primary super hero

First graders are finishing up with primary color superheroes!  They look amazingly adorable.  We started by reading this very cute book, paying close attention to the costumes and the superpowers ;)

Here are some of their initial drawings.  They look pretty super to me........

When it came time to paint, we started by discussing PRIMARY COLORS and why they are important.  I love using songs to help kids remember things.  It also helps to break up the time and keep things fun!  Here are a couple of my favorite color theory tunes for kids:


Fifth Grade Impressionistic Weaving

Fifth Grade Impressionistic Weavings

Fifth graders have been learning about Impressionism!  There were a couple of very strict guidelines they had to follow: NO ROUND,YELLOW SUNS and NO BLACK FOR SHADOWS.  Students were highly encouraged to use colors outside their comfort zones and a variety of brushstrokes.  Below is a link to the Prezi I created to introduce Impressionistic painting:

Following painting, we discussed fiber art, "warp" and "weft", and we created some trees to go along with whatever season students chose to depict in their painting.  The end results are beautiful!

KG Pattern Roller Coasters

Kinder Pattern Rollercoasters

Okay, so I usually try to adapt lessons to some degree, but these were so awesome, I straight up stole the idea from this wonderful blog:

The kids had lots of fun making these, and they were so excited to see their pictures!  We even got to squeeze in some Sesame Street to help refresh those kinders on the element of "pattern".  Here's the link to the video clip on Youtube:


Really shy kiddos I have :)

Workin' on coasters...

Here's the book we read following our artsiness.  Very fun book for the littles!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Fourth Grade "If I Ran the Zoo" Sculptures

Okay... so fourth graders have REALLY been working hard on these paper mache "zoo critters" inspired by Dr. Seuss's "If I Ran the Zoo", and they are finally starting to paint!  I'm so excited to see them coming together!  

We started with an inspirational reading from the book, to get the kids thinking about which animals they would combine to create their animal.  Next was sketching, and then sculpture with tape, paper, and wire.  Below is a picture taken as our "structural" sculpting started coming to a close.

Finally, the painting........I can't wait to post final photos.........should be another week or so!
If you just can't wait, check out my Instagram Page to keep up with our painting progress :)